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Embroidery by Joy Jolliffe
Our concert on 28/12/21
is CANCELLED! as is the busking outside Barclay's Bank.

We will be collecting for The Bus Shelter, Weymouth. Click here to learn more about their excellent work with people who have nowhere to live.
Done and Dusted this year...
SingaZoom: FurtherAdventures
was our January and February online experience
SingaZoom: SpringaZoom
ran in February and March, and was the last in the series.
Graduates of the SingaZoom 'school' now know a lot more than they did about solfa, have had some cheery, sociable times and - with the help of Choir Community recordings - have sung some great songs.
Spring Party...

Bagatelle, singing Clear Breath by Emily Marshall
... for members of The Quangle Wangle Choir, Wacapella and The Live Wire Choir
on Saturday 27th March at 7.30, via Zoom.
This was a Springalicious feast of sociability, poetry, creativity, music and wildlife photography. Special thanks to Hilary for her quiz, John and Margaret for their string playing, Dee, Stella and Cathie for their poetry, Bagatelle for their song and Prita and Lizzie for their bird photos and singing.
Phil Sterling, onetime county ecologist for Dorset, introduced us to his work on enabling wild flowers to flourish on British road verges. See here for an idea of his inspiring work.
Paper plates were miraculously turned into Easter bonnets in just ten minutes (or longer if they were ones that had been 'made earlier'). Have a look at the gallery below to see a few of our creations! For added kitsch, listen to Easter Parade as the images float by.

Circles Into May
Members of The Quangle Wangle Choir and Wacapella gathered in Radipole School playground on Saturday 22nd May. SingaZoomers met first to sing songs of Spring, Freedom and Breakfast, at 10.10. At 10.30 others joined us, making us a choir of 30 singers to welcome the month of May with Sammy Hurden's beautiful song.
Jane and her team of marshals encouraged us to remember the Covid rules.
Though it felt a bit strange, what a joy it was to sing together, surrounded by birdsong.

June Tune
The second of our outdoor sings was on June 12th at Radipole School. Once again, by chance there were 30 singers, so we didn't need to split into 2 groups to stay within the Covid rules. Blessed by glorious weather we had a mini-workshop to sing Sisi Sisi Dolada and Ain't Gonna Let Nobody and then enjoyed some social time.
Summer Sing
About 25 of us sang On Lazy Hazy Summer Days and I Will Rock in the playground on June 26th. Lovely sociable occasion, and thanks once more to Jane and her team of marshalls.
We had intended to meet again on July 10th, but this is now cancelled for family reasons.
The Great Return
25 of us returned to singing indoors at Radipole School for the last Saturday of the summer term - July 24th. It felt good! Fingers crossed for after the summer holidays.
Normal Life
We returned to something approaching normal choir life on September 11th, and hope to have workshops most Saturday mornings up to Christmas.
Welcome to New Members
We warmly welcomed some new members in October, in time to rattle towards Christmas.
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