Video by Cate Steel, from our concert on 6th July 2024 at Weymouth Bay Methodist Church.
Make your Saturdays SING!!
We take our music seriously, while having a lot of fun.
We are an acapella choir who sing a diverse range of songs, usually in 4 part harmony. Since the early 1990s the choir has grown from a kitchen table singing group to its current glory. Sociability and inclusivity remain at its heart with the aim of sharing, with each other and with our audiences, the solace and buzz of singing.
(Juliet runs two other choirs with the same spirit, so if Saturday mornings doesn't suit you, try Wacapella on Friday mornings or The Live Wire Choir on Monday evenings.)
a life without friends, fun or music. Such was the fate of the Quangle Wangle Quee in Edward Lear's poem until things took a turn for the better. Have a read of The Quangle Wangle's Hat to see the inspiration for the choir's name.
All Aboard! Come and join us

The next opportunity to join the choir will be 11th January 2025. 18th or 25th would also be OK but after that you would have to wait until October 2025. You can get in touch beforehand via the contact details at the bottom of the page to find out the details or if you have any questions.
Workshops (ie rehearsals) are usually on Saturday mornings 10 - 12.00, usually at Radipole School, Weymouth.
Subs work out at £8 a workshop, or £4 if you are on means-tested benefits.
Anxious questions people sometimes ask, together with their answers:
Q: Will I have to audition?
A: No.
Q: Will I have to sing on my own?
A: No.
Q: Does it matter if I can't come to all the rehearsals?
A: Short answer - No.
Longer answer - If you want to sing in the concerts then you will need to come to most, though not all, of the rehearsals.
However, we do have members who come when they can, enjoy the singing and camaraderie and then don't sing at performances. And that's fine.
Q: Do I need to be able to read music?
A: No.
Q: Will I be good enough?
A: Why wouldn't you be? If you haven't sung harmonies before don't worry - you'll soon get the hang of it. Mind you, if you want to join in the performances you'll have to be prepared to do some homework; we sing from memory.
The Quangle Wangle's Hat

n top of the Crumpetty Tree
The Quangle Wangle sat.
But his face you could not see,
On account of his beaver hat.
For his hat was a hundred and two feet wide
With ribbons and bibbons on every side
And bells and buttons and loops and lace
So that nobody ever could see the face
Of the Quangle Wangle Quee.
by Edward Lear

The Quangle Wangle said
To himself on the Crumpetty Tree:
"Jam; and jelly; and bread;
Are the best of food for me!
But the longer I live on this Crumpetty Tree
The plainer than ever it seems to me
That very few people come this way
And that life on the whole is far from gay!"
Said the Quangle Wangle Quee.
But there came to the Crumpetty Tree
Mr. and Mrs. Canary;
And they said, "Did ever you see
Any spot so charmingly airy?
May we build a nest on your lovely Hat?
Mr. Quangle Wangle, grant us that!
O please let us come and build a nest
Of whatever material suits you best,
Mr. Quangle Wangle Quee!"

And besides, to the Crumpetty Tree
Came the Stork, the Duck and the Owl;
The Snail and the Bumble-Bee,
The Frog and the Fimble Fowl
(The Fimble Fowl with the corkscrew leg);
And all of them said, "We humbly beg,
We may build our homes on your lovely Hat,
Mr. Quangle Wangle, grant us that!
Mr. Quangle Wangle Quee!"
And the Golden Grouse came there,
And the Pobble who hast no toes,
And the small Olympian bear
And the Dong with the luminous nose
The Blue Baboon who played the flute,
And the Orient Calf from the Land of Tute
And the Attery Squash and the Bisky Bat,
All came and built on the lovely Hat
Of the Quangle Wangle Quee.

And the Quangle Wangle said
To himself on the Crumpetty Tree,
"When all these creatures move
What a wonderful noise there will be!"
And at night by the light of the Mulberry Moon
They danced to the flute of the Blue Baboon
On the broad green leaves of the Crumpetty Tree,
And all were as happy as happy could be,
With the Quangle Wangle Quee.